Following the Cybersecurity for Small-to-Medium-Sized Businesses webinar, join us for a supplementary workshop that will further explore how to build an action plan for your business, including turnkey solutions for ensuring security of your devices.
At this seminar, the consultants at Advisor 21 will review how to identify if you are at risk of a security breach and what to look for in your small business. They offer important computer security options for small business team members, and will offer insights into their recommendations.
Together, they will help you build an action plan for your small business utilizing their training Programs, Workshops and Individual small business consultation. This could include a potential audit program to ensure your team members remain compliant in this dynamic process.
Computer security plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring user privacy, and defending systems against cyberattacks and malware. It helps to avert financial losses, maintain business operations, and build trust and reputation with your customer and prospects by demonstrating a strong commitment to data protection. Moreover, it supports compliance with regulations, prevents identity theft, and protects intellectual property through robust security measures.
The cost of inaction can be significant and the cost of action does not have to be.
Speakers: Dan Hostick, Founder, Advisor 21Vas Ramsumair, Senior Consultant, Advisor 21
This is a hybrid in-person and online seminar. Registration is FREE for members, but you must register to attend.
Prospective member tickets are $10 + HST
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